Now! Search For And Book Your Hostels Here.
Hi, fellow travelers,
I'm very excited to tell you that you can now search for and book hostels right from this blog!
On the left side right below the title, you'll see a search block provided by Hostelworld. You can use it to find hostels by city, country or hostel name. And when you find one you like, you can book it right there.
I'm excited about this because using this search tool will enable you to discover what the hostels in any country or city you are interested in are like. You can see pictures, find out where they are and what's near to them, see directions and get all the prices for various types of rooms.
I hope you enjoy poking around in the hostels to see what might suit you.
You can also search for tours in cities or countries you might like to consider in your trip.
There's a lot for me to do to make my booking page nicer, and I plan to improve it. But that will take me a while, so I didn't want to wait till I have it looking classier for you to be able to use it.
Happy traveling!
technorati tags: seniors+hostel , hosteling, hostelling, seniors+travel